Echar Raices
This video was filmed and recorded at HoboRec studios in Lund Sweden in 2023, by Engineer Ulf Blomberg. "Echar raíces" is the song that gives the name to this album in which the following musicians participated: Panchi Maldonado - Voice and guitar, Dan Frith - Lead Guita, rRenzo Jaldín - Percussions and backing vocals, Björn Wickenberg (Oso) - Drums and backing vocals, Mauricio Picasso - Bass, Magnus Ehlde - Piano and keyboard.
Oye mi Hermano
Hey my brother, it shows the Latin American diversity of language, but at the same time also the social problems that we live in around a globalized world but nothing equitable, which is sold to us as a promise of development and that at the same time only has history of war, lies, manipulation, hatred and inequality. ATAJO Productora 2016.
"Songs and other critters"
- First edition, November 2011.
- Editing and cover design: Luis A. Gómez & The wild look
- © Panchi Maldonado and all authors.
DVD The tenth anniversary concert of Atajo entitled "Atajo Hechos en Bolivia" performed at the Alberto Saavedra Pérez Theater in La Paz Bolivia in November 2006.
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